Show Notes for Church Planter Starter Kit Podcast, Episode 5

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In the previous episodes of our first series, we walked through the first three Missional Marketing Maxims. These principles—5 in total—are like an encouraging kick in the pants to remind you of one thing: 

Your church website and brand are packed with POWERFUL, GOSPEL, MISSIONARY POTENTIAL.

Help Is On The Way

In today’s episode we look at the fourth maxim. This is where we turn the corner.

On the one hand, you feel uncomfortable, unsure, and unprepared to tackle your website, brand, and marketing. The whole thing makes your hands sweaty and your head swim.

On the other hand, you want to share the gospel with as many people as God will allow in your city.

If only you could afford some help.

What if I told you, you can. You can hire someone who:

  • never stops
  • has tremendous influence
  • already knows the people you want to reach

Ready To Make Your First Hire?! (I Promise You can Afford to…)

Listen to this episode and see how easy it is to hire the help you need as you plant your church. Then…

Grab Your Free Resource: Job Description Worksheet

Grab the free resource from today’s episode and start turning your website and brand into a digital missionary for the gospel.

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