Show Notes for Church Planter Starter Kit Podcast, Episode 3

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Church Planter Starter Kit helps busy pastors and church planters transform their church website and brand into a digital missionary.

Many pastors and planters aren’t sure what to do with their church websites or brand. This whole area makes you uncomfortable. It’s like running into your high-school ex at your 10-year reunion. Unavoidable. Awkward. Forced.

But I want to transform the way you view your church website and brand. Instead of cringing, I want you to tingle with excitement.

Imagine viewing your website and brand as a POWERFUL opportunity to connect w the people you’re called to reach.

That’s where we’re headed in this first series.

3 Steps to Go From Excuses to Excitement Over Your Website & Brand

  1. Excitement comes when you embrace the powerful missionary potential of your church website and brand.
  2. The fact that you don’t know anything about websites and branding is NORMAL! It’s not your fault, but it is your responsibility.
  3. You are not alone. You’re called to plant. I’m called to help. I’m confident I can help you do this well. 

Missional Marketing Maxim #2

Today’s episode takes a closer look at the second of the 5 Missional Marketing Maxims. These maxims are the foundation of the Church Planter Starter Kit.

Today’s maxim says:

Nearly every person you’re called to reach will interact with your brand and website when considering your church.

Here’s what we’ll explore together:

  • What can your brand do to help you relate to the people you’re called to reach?
  • How does your brand relate to the gospel?
  • 874 reasons to excite you about the potential reach of your church website.

Grab Your Free Resource: 3 Tips to Immediately Improve Your Church Website

Grab the free resource from today’s episode and get help turning your website and brand into a digital missionary.

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