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Drawing a Blank on Your Website, Messaging or Marketing?

As you plant your church, you know how intentional you must be with your time. You have a lot to do, and there’s no one else on the depth chart to delegate to. Ugh. Feels overwhelming, right? So when it comes time for marketing and sharing your message, how do...
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#3 of 3 Technical Time Wasters for Church Planters

Remove This Time Waster from Your Church Plant   Are You Staring in ‘Home Alone’? With Christmas just around the corner, our TV sets are soon to be filled with classic Christmas movies like Home Alone. If you haven’t seen it, you’ve got bigger problems than this email can address… you’re not human.)...
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#2 of 3 Technical Time Wasters for Church Planters (2 of 3)

Last time I dawned my Cap’n Obvious Hat and noted church planters are crunched for time. One of the most common time-wasters is usernames and passwords. Plant a church and you’ll have a million of them. Social media. Bank account. Domain name registrar. Web host. Email. On and on the...
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Top 3 Technical Time Wasters for Church Planters (1 of 3)

This is NOT breaking news, but I’ll state the obvious: church planters are crunched for time. Every day feels like 30 hours of work crammed into a 24-hour day. Like you, I believe Jesus never gives us more than his Spirit can empower us to accomplish in a given day....
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The Best Email Host for Church Planters

Who Should You Use for Email? Email. You’re stuck with it. Like it, love it, or hate it. Email is part of your church plant. So what is the best email host for church planters? Choosing the right email hosting provider makes your life easier. Your decision can save you...
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Don’t Waste Money on Useless Email Accounts

Don’t Waste Email Addresses. Use Google to Save Money. The label of church planter and “techie” are not always synonymous. But the label of church planter and “cheap” go together like peanut butter and jelly. Even if you are a tech-savvy church planter, you can use Google to save money...
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Protect Your Family Online, Part 2

Protect Your Family Online with The Circle: Part 2 Church planting is taxing on your family. You have a demanding schedule. You long to pastor your family well, but man is it tough. Ever been here? Your wife has to head out. You’re in charge of the kids. But you...
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Protect Your Family with Circle, Part 1

Protect Your Family Online I don’t normally fire off time-sensitive weekly emails…but the last one was an exception. Which, by the way, is why you should join my email list. “What time-sensitive info did you pass along to your peeps?”, you ask. Great question. I told them to snag Circle for their family...
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Free People to Connect With Your Church Plant

Are You Disconnected? Church planters love to see Jesus free people from sin and death. This begins by connecting with real people in your city. Connecting with the people in your community is the first step to further connecting them to Jesus. And Jesus loves to free people. Like every...
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WP Themes Alternative for Church Planters

You are sifting through the myriad of WP themes on the hunt for the right one. Before you do, consider an alternative to WordPress. Every church planter must make a choice when it comes time for a website. What platform should you choose to build your website? Sometimes your designer...
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