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Do You Know How Easy It Is To Secure Your Email? (Part 2)

Do You Know How Easy It Is To Secure Your Email? (Part 2) Last week, I shared the importance of securing your Gmail account. To convince you of the need, I mixed in skin pigmentation and Bon Qui Qui. That’s commitment. This was my version of the Drivers Ed video...
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Do You Know How Important It Is To Secure Your Email? (Part 1)

Do You Know How Important It Is To Secure Your Email? (Part 1) You can secure your Gmail account from hacks in a matter of minutes. But you won’t. Not unless you grant me five minutes to convince you. If you do, I will share a real story to explain...
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Free Writing Apps to Help You Write Better

Why Improve Your Writing? A Real Life Example, Part 2 I wrote six articles for church planters aimed at improving our written communication. I wrote them for three reasons: We write all of the time as leaders. We write for the purpose of being heard. We generally stink at writing. So how...
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Improve Your Writing (Part 6): A Real Life Example, Part 2

Why Improve Your Writing? A Real Life Example, Part 2 When I served the topic up, he volleyed back… “Huh?” What do you mean, ‘huh?’, I thought. Is this some kind of joke? Rewind Wait. Let’s rewind. I shared part one of my expensive life lesson with you in the...
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A Real Life Example of Why To Improve Your Writing

Why “Tips to Improve My Writing?” A Real Life Example We just completed 4 weeks on “tips to improve my writing.” As a church planter or pastor, you may think, “That’s a weird topic to start your blog articles with…You must be a writer.” Your next thought might be, “With all...
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How To Improve Your Writing

A Plan to Improve Your Writing How To Wake Up From Your Field of Dreams, pt 4 of 4 We conclude our four-part series on our false assumption that “If I write it, they will read it” with a final tip and a plan to improve your writing. We chose...
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How To Wake Up From Your Field of Dreams, Part 3 of 4

How To Wake Up From Your Field of Dreams We began this four-part series by exposing our false assumption that “If I write it, they will read it.” We want to write better. So we talked about quickly getting to the point in your written communication in order to serve...
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How To Wake Up From Your Field of Dreams, Part 2 of 4

How To Wake Up From Your Field of Dreams In the previous post{.mfn-link.mfn-link-1} we talked about getting to point in your written communication quickly. We exposed the false assumption we can have as planters that “If I write it, they will read it.” This is not an accurate or helpful assumption....
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A Field of Dreams…with Dead Grass and Box Seats, Part 1 of 4

A Field of Dreams…with Dead Grass and Box Seats Get to the point in your communication. Quickly. Especially your written communication. Make it a habit. Now. A Field of Dreams was the name of the movie that brought us the wishful fantasy that, “If I build it, they will come”…even...
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